Thursday, March 20, 2014


Well HELLO WORLD! I've got to tell you that I'm super excited but also super nervous about this whole "blogging" thing. But acting off the suggestion of one of my besties (shout out Hyas) I decided to use this outlet to share my love of food with the world.

To be honest, I don't even know when it happened, this love affair me and food have. I started hanging out in the kitchen with my Grandmother when I was in high school and just wanted to be able to help. She'd always say "just watch and you will learn," but I was more of a hands on person. Thinking back those early days were TERRIBLE lol. And my family never held back on their critiquing; especially my Papa (man I miss those two).

To me Southern Crumbs, are my roots. I grew up in the north east, but the cuisine I learned and mastered where rooted deep in the south. But please don't think that's going to be the only thing I blog about. I went off to college and expanded my palate. So although I love me some good ol' Soul Food (and despise disgusting attempts I'm just saying), I also enjoy exotic flavors as well.

For the time being I'll start with one post per week, usually on a Sunday night with a brief story, pictures of course and a break down on how I put the dish together. I am one of those "I don't measure cooks" so if you need a precise recipe, leave me a comment or send me a message and I will do my best to give you something you can work with.

Thanks for turning in and let's start cooking!

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