Friday, May 9, 2014

Let's Catch Up!

Hey Guys!!!!

I know it has been what seems like such a long time since I have posted anything but I assure you it was with good reason.

Two weeks ago, one of my very best friend's was involved in a life threatening car accident.  As you all know I am typically going hard in the kitchen on Sunday's for my posts, but as you can imagine I was in the hospital ensuring that this mother of three was safe.  And although she had some bumps, bruises and broken bones, she pulled through and is a real trooper.

Love you Danny!

Also, as many of you know from my bio, I'm currently pursuing an M.B.A in Finance as well (yes, hunnie I'm a busy chick), and well yeah it was finals I said there were tons of things going on.  I felt obligated to let you into my world and let the readers know what's going on.  I haven't forgotten you! 

With that said, who is SUPER EXCITED!!!  Ok don't get me wrong, I am extremely excited to have ended school, but I'm so very excited because I will now have more time in the kitchen to get you amazing food.  Now that is the real source of my joy!

I have a very special post coming up for my Mother's Day special, so please tune in for that.  I also, have tons of other things that I am actually "quietly" working on for Southerncrumbs.  And really I can show you better than I can tell you, so when you see me posting all the good stuff I have going on, don't say I didn't tell you about it lol.

Well, that's about it for now.  Like I said I will have tons of posts coming up for Mother's Day, so until then...

Also, if you don't follow me already, follow me on Instagram @SouthernCrumbs412



  1. Glad that you're friend is okay. Good luck with the other projects you're working on!

  2. First let me say thanks for reading! Secondly thanks for the kind words lots of things have been going on ...but now we are in the clear it back to grind season!
